Monday, November 07, 2005

First entry...

Hello to anyone who may read this. These are the first editions to this on going compilation of written works. Please feel free to leave any constructive criticism or opinions in the comment area, anything you might like to add would be appreciated.


I write therefore I am.
An uncomplicated existence or so you might think.
Rolling over the page, speaking opinions, laying laws.
I’ve penned both knowledge passed and past knowledge.
Yet I do not speak – bit my lip so to speak.
How possibly can I when I am confined, conformed, set between faint ruled lines?
Bound by rings, rules and conventions.
Great ever-present fingers grip at my neck.
My inner self scrawled across a blank expanse,
an inner self given to me and not of my own.
Some chew me down, some choose to put me down.
But I am omnipresent also: A trinity:
the means, the tool and the weapon.
Despite I do not speak I am the words.
Without me there would be none,
the cat would have the world’s tongue.
I am the quill, the scribe.
Mightier than any war.

Time/Without You

Time is not time when you’re not with me
Every moment fleeting as another breath is drawn
Seconds become minutes, minutes to hours,
hours to days all washing away like a river
swallowed by an ocean

Time has no importance when it can’t be shared
Alone you just grow old, there is no together
The night can’t find the day, trees can’t find the sun
To feel like a puzzle missing one piece, searching
to be complete, whole once more

Time stands still when I can’t see you smile
The second hand teeters and teases, threatening to tick
waiting to circle the face, but it’s not yours
Bidding my time is all I have, just to have some of yours
So little time is all we have


Blogger T & A said...

Hi Jim,
I really liked your poem about time. Very deep.
I hope to read more of your writing. Keep it up. Alwyn

p.s. - are you still working on the other blog also?

3:01 PM  

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